

肯定的话语或行动的可理解的交换, which indicates a willingness by all parties to participate in mutually agreed upon 性 activity. 同意必须是知情的,必须是自由和积极的. It is the responsibility of the initiator to obtain clear and affirmative responses at each stage of 性 involvement. 对性行为的同意可随时撤销, 只要撤军的消息传达清楚就行.

Whether an individual has taken advantage of a position of influence over a Complainant may be a factor in determining 同意. 有影响力的职位可能包括监督或纪律权力.

沉默, 以前的性关系或经历, 而/或当前的关系可能不会, 在自己, 被认为意味着同意. 而非语言的同意是可能的(通过积极参与), 最好得到口头同意. 类似的, 同意一种形式的性活动并不意味着同意其他形式的性活动.

对性行为的同意可随时撤销, 只要撤军的消息传达清楚就行.

阅读更多关于 同意.


亲密伴侣暴力, 有时也被称为关系暴力, 包括家庭暴力和约会暴力, 包括虐待或强迫行为(身体上的), 性, 金融, (口头和/或情感上的)犯罪者用来获得或行使对他人的控制, 包括任何恐吓的行为, 操作, 羞辱, 隔离, 吓, 威胁, 怪, 伤害, 伤害, 或者伤害别人. 任何性别的人之间的关系都可能发生亲密伴侣暴力.


  • 殴打、拍打、拳打脚踢、扯头发或其他身体上的不当行为;
  • 将伴侣与家人和朋友隔离;
  • 毁坏室友的私人物品;
  • 对伴侣的孩子进行人身攻击;
  • 在伴侣没有完全意识的情况下进行性行为, 没有被问到, 或者害怕说不, 或者强迫伴侣在没有保护的情况下发生性行为;
  • 未经他人许可,威胁透露其性取向的;
  • 过度占有欲和嫉妒的;
  • 轻蔑的:不断贬低或侮辱伴侣的;
  • 未经允许查看室友的手机或电子邮件账户;
  • demanding that a partner dress or act in a certain way; and/or
  • 威胁对受害者的熟人、朋友或家庭成员实施暴力.

The University's 第九条 性骚扰 Policy specifically prohibits domestic and 约会暴力 under the following definitions: 

国内 暴力

Includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of 暴力 committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, 与受害者有共同孩子的人, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family 暴力 laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family 暴力 laws of the jurisdiction.


Any act of 暴力 or 威胁ed 暴力 committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: (i) the length of the relationship, 关系的类型, (三)关系中涉及的人之间互动的频率. 这包括, 但不限于, 性, 精神或身体虐待, 或者这种虐待的威胁.


不受欢迎的基于一个人实际的或感知到的性别的非性行为, 包括基于性别认同的行为, 性别表达, 不符合性别刻板印象, 在下列情况下禁止使用:

  • 提交 such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education; and/or
  • 提交, 或者拒绝, such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual; and/or
  • such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or professional performance or creating an intimidating, 充满敌意的, 或者攻击性雇佣, 教育, 或者基于性别的生活环境.


  • using derogatory comments and terms toward a male or female who do not act in ways that align with their gender stereotype, such as a male being called names for being interested in the arts or a female being called names for being interested in construction;
  • telling someone to use a restroom that does not align with that person’s gender identity; and
  • 泛泛地贬损某一性别, 例如“所有女性”是______或“所有男性”是_______. 

根据大学的反歧视政策,性别骚扰是被禁止的, 歧视性的骚扰, 和报复.


对任何投诉歧视的人采取不利的就业或教育行动, 性侵犯, 性骚扰, 基于性别的骚扰, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 跟踪和报复, 协助投诉的, 抵制或公开反对这种行为的, 或以其他方式使用或参与本政策下的投诉调查程序. 提交文件的人, 或参与调查或解决, 性侵犯的指控或投诉, 性骚扰, 基于性别的骚扰, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 跟踪和报复外部机构, 法律执行或其他依据任何适用的州或联邦法律, 也能免受报复吗.

禁止的报复包括, 但不限于: threats; intimidation; reprisals; continued harassment or misconduct; other forms of harassment; slander and libel; and adverse actions related to employment or education.

报复可以由个人或团体实施, 包括朋友, 被控告人的亲属或者其他有联系的人. 报复, 即使没有证据证明存在歧视, 性暴力, 性骚扰, 基于性别的骚扰, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力或跟踪是潜在的投诉, 违反了政策,与主要违法行为本身一样严重.

报复 is prohibited under the University's 第九条 性骚扰 Policy as well as the University's Policy Against Discrimination, 歧视性的骚扰, 和报复.


An offense classified as a forcible or non-forcible sex offense under the uniform crime reporting system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 还禁止企图实施任何这些行为.


的渗透, 无论多么微不足道, 阴道或肛门的, 任何身体部位或物体, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person 没有得到受害者的同意 (or attempts to commit the same). 这包括任何性别的受害者或被告.


Fondling is the touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of 性 gratification, 没有得到受害者的同意, including instances in which the victim is incapable of giving 同意 because of age and/or because of temporary or permanent mental incapacity


与未达到法定同意年龄的人发生性关系, 在马萨诸塞州是16岁.


Non-forcible 性 intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.



性骚扰 is prohibited under the University's 第九条 性骚扰 Policy as well as the University's Policy Against Discrimination, 歧视性的骚扰, 和报复.



  1. 为提供援助提供条件的大学雇员, 好处, or service of the University on an individual’s participation in unwelcome 性 conduct; or,
  2. 一个通情达理的人认为不受欢迎的行为如此严重, 无处不在的, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the University’s education program or activity.


Unwelcome verbal and/or physical conduct based on a person's sex constitutes 充满敌意的 environment harassment when:
  • it is sufficiently severe or 无处不在的 that it alters the conditions of education or employment and creates an environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating or 充满敌意的; OR
  • 提交 such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education; OR
  • 提交, 或者拒绝, such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual.


Sexual exploitation is a form of 性骚扰 and is taking 性 advantage of another person for one’s own 好处 or the 好处 of anyone other than that person 没有那个人的同意.

可能上升到性剥削程度的行为包括, 但不限于:

  • 使他人卖淫的;
  • 记录图像(e).g., video, 另一个人的性活动的照片或音频, 私密部位, 或者未经对方同意而裸体;
  • 通过社交媒体、短信、电子邮件或其他媒体图像进行传播(例如.g., video, 另一个人的性活动的照片或音频, 私密部位, 或赤身露体, if the individual distributing the images or audio knows or should have known that the person depicted in the images or audio did not 同意 to such disclosure and objects to such disclosure; and
  • 观看另一个人的性行为, 私密部位, 或者在一个对隐私有合理期望的地方裸体, 没有那个人的同意.

性骚扰, 因此是性剥削, is prohibited by the University's 第九条 性骚扰 Policy and the Policy Against Discrimination, 歧视性的骚扰, 和报复.  被指控行为的具体条件将决定哪个政策(政策)具有管辖权.


从事(直接)指示的行为的, 间接, through a third party or other means) at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to— (A) fear for their safety or the safety of others; or (B) suffer substantial emotional distress. 就本政策而言,这些行为必须与该人的性别直接相关.

跟踪可能以多种形式发生,包括, 但不限于, 面对面的进行, 作品, 发短信, 语音信箱, 电子邮件, 社交媒体, 用全球定位系统跟踪某人, 以及视频/音频录制.


  • 重复不必要的或未经请求的接触或留下不需要的礼物或物品;
  • 在网上发布令人不安的信息或威胁的;
  • 创作、试图创作或传播他人未经授权的录音;
  • 从家庭中收集个人信息, 朋友, 同事, 和/或同学, 或以电子方式,例如在电脑上安装间谍软件或使用全球定位系统;
  • 对个人或者其亲人进行任何形式的威胁或者威胁伤害自己的;
  • 损坏、偷窃、借用或转移财产,非法侵入和破坏;
  • 追求, 等待, 或者不请自来地出现在工作场所, 住宅, 教室, or other locations frequented by an individual; and
  • 指挥第三人采取上述行为的.